Broken wedge + shopping mall + walking (sliding actually) = spells trouble.haha.. Occupying the parking space without actually having a car.Hmmmm... Fire-juggler. Which I thought was pretty cool! I kept screaming every time he came close to us. hehe..
The clown on sticks
As usual, the MW was looking out for fishes even while taking pics! *shakes head*
So I've been working with Vitalife Sciences for the past few month. Basically we have a white-shirt-with-black-pants uniform which sucks! I hate uniforms! haha.. I've been restricted from dressing up, urghhh! Seriously every time I get the chance to dress up and go out I just get damn excited. I'll be working straight for the next few weeks so I will be off from the 24th of this month right up to next year! So I'm working like a damn dog now just to replace my off days later on. Can't wait for the holidays baby! I just got my 10meter wrapping paper from IKEA so I'm going to start my present-wrapping session tmw night. Christmas! Christmas! Where art thou?? haha... Until then I shall suffer at work. Only good thing about my job is the short hours. So far I;ve never worked for 8 hours! My working hours are usually from 11am till 4pm. SO that isn;t too bad is it?? hehe. Well till then.. =p
Someone had the damn time to damn time and nerve to hack into my msn and facebook account and delete it! Imagine my disbelief last night when I innocently attempted logging inyo my fb and msn account and failed numerous times! Obviously I was so curious to find out what could've possibly gone wrong. Too much of a coincidence isn't it that my msn AND my facebook wasn't able to be accessed? Arghhh! I ran downstairs and Jude,Teresa and Kris were there. I told them about it, they were as troubled as I was because how was it possible that both my account we're accessible right? Then Kris suddenly said, "you know what, I received a wall post from you on my notification board on fb but I couldn't see it on my wall. So I'm assuming you deleted it." Then I realized that I wasn't on fb for over a week now! So I knew someone was messing around with it! All four of us quickly ran upstairs! Kris looked in her email inbox and we saw what 'I' so-called wrote on her wall! the first one went like.. '" U BITCH!" and the second one.."you black piece of shit..try gettin married first!..hahahahaha" So obviously whoever the 'cool-spammer' is,she wanted to screw around with my relationship with Kris! Can you believe it??? Someone actually can the goddamn time to device such an elaborate plan just to screw around with all of us! But unfortunately she ain't that bright! We sorta have an idea on who it may be. You better watch your back. Queen C and Queen K is on a vengence-rage. Too much of Gossip Girls apparently! hahaha..XOXO.
We celebrated Aunty Noreen’s bday over the weekend. It was rough at first but the night turned out tobe pretty darn awesome! Teresa planned this whole ordeal for her mum’s bday. So she decided on Borneo Rainforest, Sunway which was such a good pick because I think it fitted both the generations. Our generation and the older one.The song selections were good although the DJ did some annoyingly-bad remixes occasionally, haha. Having said that, the live band was fantastic! So it pretty much balanced out the entertainment-music department. There was even a bapuk that sounded like NIng Baizura! Calls herselfAzura, he/she’s name is probably Amin or something, haha. The highlight of the night for me however was the couple’s game me and Jude went on stage for! Jeez, damn! That was embarrassing! Haha.. Cz his parents were all there, and they made the girls stand behind their man with two ping pong balls in their hand. What were we to do with the ping pong balls?? Well, the girls were supposed to push the ping pong balls inside the boys’ jeans from the right leg, right up, passing *ahem* places, and down through the left leg! The first person to complete it wins! I came in second! Damn it! I lost one of the balls in the transaction! Haha..But we won ourselves 2 cds : Puteri Gunung Ledang, the movie an also the soundtrack. God knows whatever the hell for! =p We all really had a fantastic time. Went to our usual port, Darulsallam for supper and headed back to Jude’s house for more drinking sessions. The boys + Kris are crazy! They can put up an all-nighter (till 9am) drinking! I’ll be suffering to barely keep my eyes open at 4am, lol. Then I woke up at 8am and joined in on their conversation till about 9am. Yup, another not-so-typical weekend that turned out a blast!
Today I woke up at 9 friggin' am! Sent my mum to work and headed to Teresa's place. Mission of the day : To bake a beautiful and delicious peach cheesecake for her mum. Today is Aunty Noreen's bday. God knows that lady is just blessed with a youthful look cz she soooo doesn't look her age! =p So the pic on top is basically the second layer of the cake. The scrumptious base layer is underneath. We topped off the base with cream cheese filling and cubes of peaches. Then it was Teresa's idea to add the little hearts on top which I absolutely love! Then final layer is the strawberry jelly layer as you can see below! hehehe.. So we haven't really tasted the cake yet but I have a feeling it's going to taste pretty darn good! Yum yum! LOL.