Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 ThingsYou Would Love Or Hate About Me

1. I have the 12am-biological-clock-sleeping-time syndrom which irritates everyone I know!

2. I love love love the colour red.

3. Have the tendency of being a brat sometimes ( but it rarely happens :p )

4.I'm really straight forward which is an advantage as much as it is a disadvantage as well.

5.I will find any small reason to dress up! :p

6.I absolutely love shoes, bags, accessories and anything that contributes to me looking good!

7.I think I have a bloody amazing group of friends.

8.I absolutely love and adore my boyfriend although I'm not much of a PDA-sort of girl.

9.Am always up for a good time!

10.Am super duper hopeless in fixing a financial plan for myself and sticking to it!=(

11.I think my mum is an extraordinary human being.

12.I have a constant neck pain and use Yoko-Yoko every alternate days to fix the problem,haha.

13.Loves hip hop and rNb. Imma fly lil' gansta. Holla at me ya'll! haha.. (ok bad attempt! haha)

14.Loves trying out new things. Nothing specific which I'm going to mention here,hehehe.

15.Is happy that her goodies are FINALLY revealing itself! haha..

16.Is a Leo. Grrrrr...

17.Surprisingly enough, I am a Maths and Add Maths tutor.

18.I love love love Maths and anything related to numbers!

19.People love bringing me shopping sometimes because I can calculate the prices after discounts in my head! In less than 2 mins! haha..

20.Oh its 20 already? Oooo, 20th my fav number cz its also my BIRTHDAY! *happy birthday to me!*

21.I had the best 21st bday party. I'll never forget that..haiz.. memories.

22.Is the age I'm turning this year. Damn I'm getting old!

23.Has slept off numerous times at the movies!!

24.Likes playing cupid occasionaly!!! hahaha..

25. Has a brother who is perfectly entertaining and never fails to be dumb and irritating sometimes! *peace Julian..*

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